SQL:2008 is the sixth revision of the ISO and ANSI standard for the SQL database query language. It was formally adopted in July 2008.
The SQL:2008 standard is split into several parts, covering the Framework, the Foundation, the Call-Level Interface, Persistent Stored Modules, Management of External Data, Object Language Bindings, Information and Definition Schemas, Routines and Types Using Java, and various "Related Specifications."
Additions to the Foundation include
enhanced MERGE and DIAGNOSTIC statements,
the TRUNCATE TABLE statement,
comma-separated WHEN clauses in a CASE expression,
INSTEAD OF database triggers
partitioned JOIN tables,
support for various XQuery regular expression/pattern-matching features, and
enhancements to derived column names.
The Related Specifications for XML defines ways in which SQL can be used in conjunction with XML, including importing and storing XML data in an SQL database, manipulating it within the database and publishing both XML and conventional SQL-data in XML form.