The State of Australia's Birds (SOAB) is a report series that tracks trends in Australia's bird populations.
From 2003-2010, this was delivered as an annual report produced by the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (now known as BirdLife Australia) in the form of an illustrated colour magazine supplement.
The 2015 version of the report marks the beginning of a new era in the series, with the introduction of the Australian Bird Index.
The SOAB reports collate and analyse information on trends in the conservation status of bird populations in Australia.
Some of the material presented in SOAB is extracted from BirdLife Australia's monitoring projects, notably the Atlas of Australian Birds citizen science project.
All issues are available for free download.
The reports were published as supplements to Wingspan magazine. The 2003 and 2008 editions of SOAB were five-yearly overviews, while the other editions were themed on various aspects of Australian avifauna (for example, SOAB 2010 was themed on Birds and Islands).
You may not care but don't be naive
Well take The best The positive aspect
Have some friends and a punkska band
I guess that's The key to your sobriety
Even if you're a pervert use your head
Before you date this girl, you better sure you've bled
It's o.k. you'll do some mistakes
Like Ace Ventura with Snowflakes
Life is like diskathing
And someday you'll have a lovely wife
You'll do like O.J. and kill her with a knife
You'll obey to your bastard dog
Live across The street from a big fat slob
You will be a fucking statistic
Another man without a diploma
But after all you'll be happy
Cause you know man, this is The key
Ba-ba-ba, ba-Barbara ann!!! [x3]