The SCNN1G gene encodes for the γ subunit of the epithelial sodium channel ENaC in vertebrates. ENaC is assembled as a heterotrimer composed of three homologous subunits α, β, and γ or δ, β, and γ. The other ENAC subunits are encoded by SCNN1A, SCNN1B, and SCNN1D.
ENaC is expressed in epithelial cells and is different from the voltage-gated sodium channel that is involved in the generation of action potentials in neurons. The abbreviation for the genes encoding for voltage-gated sodium channel starts with three letters: SCN. In contrast to these sodium channels, ENaC is constitutively active and is not voltage-dependent. The second N in the abbreviation (SCNN1) represents that these are NON-voltage-gated channels.
In most vertebrates, sodium ions are the major determinant of the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid. ENaC allows transfer of sodium ions across the epithelial cell membrane in so-called "tight-epithelia" that have low permeability. The flow of sodium ions across epithelia affects osmolarity of the extracellular fluid. Thus, ENaC plays a central role in the regulation of body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and consequently affects blood pressure.
we had our hearts tricked
we had it all worked out
we had the bad years planned in advance
we had our hearts tricked
we'd worked it out
but then it all fell apart so fast
we watched the wires trip
the power surged
we had it ripped right out of our hands
it took her hostage
and wore her down
we made a wish that no one could grant
and now we're huddled here
naked sore and cold
it's been severe
she had her heart tricked
she had it all worked out
she had her bad years planned in advance
he had his heart tricked
they had it all worked out
that they had years left of happy romance
but then all the needles
and damage done
in the end just lessened the chance
they had their hearts tricked
the power surged
they had it ripped right out of their hands
and now we're huddled here naked sore and alone
and we can't see clear
just the thought of this is sickening
to live out all our years without you here
just the thought of this is sickening
we had our hearts tricked
we had it all worked out
we had the bad years planned in advance
she had our hearts tricked
but the power surged
and she was ripped right out of our hands