SASM (SimpleASM) — a simple Open Source crossplatform integrated development environment for NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM assembly languages with syntax highlighting and debugger.

SASM makes it easy to develop and run programs written in assembly language. The program works out of the box and is great for beginners to learn assembly language.

Licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0. Based on the Qt.

It was created by the programmer Dmitriy Manushin (Dman95).


  • Four assemblers - NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM are supported
  • Syntax highlighting with tunable color scheme
  • Handy graphical debugger
  • Program is translated into Russian and English
  • Input/output macro library
  • Ability to work with multiple files using tabs
  • All required components are included (gdb, gcc, nasm, masm, fasm, gas)
  • SASM is great for beginners to learn assembly language
  • Alternative IDE for assembler

  • RadASM
  • Fresh
  • NASM Develop IDE
  • References

  • Official website
  • SASM on GitHub
  • Open Build Service repository with installation packages for Linux
  • SASM (disambiguation)

    SASM may refer to:

    Science and technology

  • SASM, an IDE for NASM assembly language
  • Military

  • Southwest Asia Service Medal, a military award of the United States Armed Forces
  • Museums

  • Strategic Air and Space Museum in Ashland, Nebraska
  • Podcasts:


    Until I Reach The Unattainable

    by: Xysma

    Sounds from the distant past, a ghost of my mind
    Raging currents which I created in my head
    Imprisoned me as I went too close
    To its final aim - within this moment
    In the gentle breeze I see it
    Through boundless corners of the mind
    On verity I ride
    Until I reach the unattainable
    Will I reach the unattainable
    Anger of the imaginary gods
    An enormous outburst is hidden
    Inside me - there it is
    Anger - I can see it
    The world is a green flash - mixed with purple
    Fading away, fading away
