Saint Remigius

Saint Remigius, Remy or Remi, (French: Saint Rémi or Saint Rémy; Italian: Remigio; Spanish: Remigio; Occitan: Romieg; Polish: Remigiusz; Breton: Remig and Lithuanian: Remigijus), was Bishop of Reims and Apostle of the Franks, (c. 437 – January 13, 533 AD). On 25 December 496 he baptised Clovis I, King of the Franks. This baptism, leading to the conversion of the entire Frankish people to Chalcedonian Christianity, was a momentous success for the Church and a seminal event in European history.


Remigius was born, traditionally, at Cerny-en-Laonnois, near Laon, Picardy, into the highest levels of Gallo-Roman society. He is said to have been son of Emilius, count of Laon (who is not otherwise attested) and of Celina, daughter of the Bishop of Soissons, which Clovis had conquered in 486. He studied at Reims and soon became so noted for his learning and sanctity, and his high status, that he was elected Bishop of Reims in his 22nd year, though still a layman.

The story of the return of the sacred vessels (most notably the Vase of Soissons), which had been stolen from the church of Soissons, testifies to the friendly relations existing between him and Clovis, King of the Franks, whom he converted to Christianity with the assistance of Saint Vedast (Vedastus, Vaast, Waast) and Saint Clotilde, the Burgundian princess who was wife to Clovis. Even before he embraced Christianity, Clovis had showered benefits upon Remigius and the Christians of Reims, and after his victory over the Alamanni in the battle of Tolbiac (probably 496), he requested Remigius to baptize him at Reims (December 25, 496) in the presence of a large company of Franks and Alamanni; according to Saint Gregory of Tours, 3,000 Franks were baptized with Clovis.

Rémi (politician)

Rémi is a Malagasy politician. A member of the National Assembly of Madagascar, he was elected from the Fanjava Velogno party; he represents the constituency of Antsohihy.


  • Profile on National Assembly site

  • Rumia

    Rumia [ˈrumʲa] (Kashubian/Pomeranian: Rëmiô, German: Rahmel) is a city in the Eastern Pomerania region of north-western Poland, with some 45,000 inhabitants. It is a part of the Kashubian Tricity (Rumia, Reda, Wejherowo) and a suburb part of the metropolitan area of the Tricity. It has been situated in the Wejherowo County in Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999; previously it was in Gdańsk Voivodeship (1975–1998). Traditionally, Rumia is related to Kashubia. It is connected by well-developed railway and highway connections to the Tricity, an urban agglomeration of over 1 million inhabitants on the coast of Gdańsk Bay.


    The village of Rumia (then Rumina) was first mentioned in 1224 when it was awarded by Swantopolk II, later duke of Eastern Pomerania to the Cistercian convent in Oliwa (today part of Gdańsk). The name of Rumia was applied also to the neighbourhoods of Janowo and Biała Rzeka. In 1285 Mestwin II, duke of Pomerania stopped here to issue official documents. It fell to the State of the Teutonic Order in 1309 according to the Treaty of Soldin. Rumia was part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship of the Polish Crown from 1466 until the first partition of Poland in 1772, when it was annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia. It belonged to the province of West Prussia inside the Kingdom of Prussia until 1871 when it also became part of the unified German Empire.



    tan solo un minuto

    by: Rio Roma

    En una historia sin ti
    Fui facil de predecir
    Justo enfrente de mi
    Un tunel obscuro y sin fin
    La tormenta que ahogaba mi alma
    De pronto aclaro el cielo gris
    En un momento entendi
    Que eres la mitad de mi.
    En un instante te vi
    Y el mundo dejo de existir.
    Ya no puedo dejar de encontrarte
    Y hablarte aunque no estes aqui.
    Tan solo, tan solo
    Un minuto fue suficiente
    Para quererte
    Con solo un segundo
    Nos dimos cuenta que era para siempre
    No puedo ocultarlo, no puedo evitarlo
    Estar a tu lado me hace sentir diferente.
    Habia esperado por ti
    Toda una eternidad
    En esta tarde de abril
    La espera llego al final
    Ya no puedo dejar de pensarte
    Y amarte aunque no estes aqui.
    Tan solo, tan solo
    Un minuto fue suficiente
    Para quererte
    Con solo un segundo
    Nos dimos cuenta que era para siempre
    No puedo ocultarlo, no puedo evitarlo
    Estar a tu lado me hace sentir diferente.
    No me dejes aqui
    Ya no quiero sufrir
    Si tan solo supieras
    Que ya no soy nada

    Latest News for: rémi


    Public Technologies 10 Mar 2025
    ) ... Regulatory News.. Remy Cointreau (Paris.RCO).. Code ISIN ... Rémy Cointreau SA published this content on March 10, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein.


    Public Technologies 10 Mar 2025
    ) ... Nombre d'actions du capital de Rémy Cointreau ... Rémy Cointreau SA published this content on March 10, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein.

    Total number of voting rights and capital / Information on the total number of voting rights and the number of shares making up the capital (Rémy Cointreau SA)

    Public Technologies 10 Mar 2025
    ). French Société anonyme with a capital of 83 456 465.60 euros ... Rémy Cointreau SA published this content on March 10, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein.

    Total du nombre de droits de vote et du capital / Information relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d'actions composant le capital (Rémy Cointreau SA)

    Public Technologies 10 Mar 2025
    ) ... Siège social ... Code ISIN ... Nombre d'actions du capital de Rémy Cointreau ... Rémy Cointreau SA published this content on March 10, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein.
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