The RWD 9 was a Polish sports plane of 1934, constructed by the RWD team.


The aircraft was a further development of the RWD 6 - the winner of the IIIrd Challenge de Tourisme International Challenge 1932 international tourist aircraft contest. The RWD-9 was designed specially for the purpose of competing in the IVth Challenge de Tourisme International to be held in Warsaw during August–September 1934 . It was constructed by Stanisław Rogalski and Jerzy Drzewiecki of the RWD team in the DWL workshops in Warsaw. To meet new contest regulations, the new plane was designed as four-seater, with increased mass and engine power and yet better STOL capabilities.

The first prototype was completed in October 1933, with a 265 hp Menasco inline engine, and first flew on December 4, 1933. In January 1934 it was fitted with Czech Walter Bora radial engine (220 hp), and in spring 1934 with newly constructed Polish radial engine GR-760 (290 hp), created by Stanisław Nowkuński. In 1934 there were built 8 RWD 9s: 4 RWD 9W with Walter Bora engine (registrations: SP-DRA, SP-DRB, OK-AMC, OK-AMD) and 4 RWD 9S with GR-760 engine (registrations: SP-DRC, -DRD, -DRE, -DRF). RWD-9W had worse performance, comparing to RWD-9S (maximum speed 260 to 281 km/h).#



The Garden

by: Ruth Moody

O light shine down on me You know what I need Shine down on me Shine down on the garden Shine down on the garden
Sweet earth alive under me You know what I need Cradle me like a seed As I lay in the garden As I lay in the garden
O wise and beautiful tree Standing high over me Oh the things you have seen Tell me your story in the garden Tell it to me in the garden
And tell me How long have we slept How long have we wept There's work to be done
Sky above So vast and so deep You know what I need Rain down on me Rain down on the garden Rain down on the garden
O light surrounding me Sweet mystery In everything I see Come and find me in the garden Come and find me in the garden

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