
Rutile is a mineral composed primarily of titanium dioxide, TiO2.

Rutile is the most common natural form of TiO2. Three rarer polymorphs of TiO2 are known:

  • Anatase (sometimes known by the name "octahedrite"), a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit
  • Brookite, an orthorhombic mineral
  • TiO2 (B), a monoclinic form.
  • Rutile has among the highest refractive indices at visible wavelengths of any known crystal, and also exhibits a particularly large birefringence and high dispersion. Owing to these properties, it is useful for the manufacture of certain optical elements, especially polarization optics, for longer visible and infrared wavelengths up to about 4.5μm.

    Natural rutile may contain up to 10% iron and significant amounts of niobium and tantalum. Rutile derives its name from the Latin rutilus, red, in reference to the deep red color observed in some specimens when viewed by transmitted light.


    Rutile is a common accessory mineral in high-temperature and high-pressure metamorphic rocks and in igneous rocks.




    by: Rita Lee

    Se pintar um negócio na esquina
    Corre e vê se eu estou lá na China
    E se estiver, vê se me deixa em paz
    Eu quero mais ficar bem longe desse tititi...
    Pouco milho pra muito bico
    Muita caca pra pouco penico
    Não vou procurar sarna pra me coçar
    Então desgruda e vai à luta
    Chega de blá blá blá blá
    Volta-e-meia, meia-volta volver
    Saio de fino pra ninguém perceber
    Essa galinhagem é mais chata que gilete
    Nada mais furado do que papo de tiete!

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    Public Technologies 12 Mar 2025
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