Rusyn /ˈruːsᵻn/ (Rusyn: русиньска бесїда or русиньскый язык), also known in English as Ruthene UK /rʊˈθiːn/US /ruːˈθiːn/ (sometimes Ruthenian), is an East Slavic language variety spoken by the Rusyns of Eastern Europe.
There are controversial political implications about the nature of Rusyn as a language or dialect. While some linguists treat it as a distinct language (with its own ISO 639-3 code), some scholars of Slavic languages treat it as a dialect of Ukrainian.
Rusyn, or, specifically, Carpatho-Rusyn, is a vernacular spoken in the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine; northeastern Slovakia; in Vojvodina, Serbia; southeastern Poland, where the Rusyn dialect is generally known as Łemkowski, after the characteristic word лем/lem (meaning "only", "but" and "like"); Hungary (where the people and language are called Ruszin); and northern Maramureș, Romania, where the people are called Ruteni and the language Ruteană.
The classification and identification of the Rusyn language is historically and politically problematic. Prior to World War I, Rusyns were recognized as the Ruthenes of Galicia within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand had planned to recognize them as one of the ten states of a planned United States of Greater Austria before his assassination. After the war, Austria-Hungary was partitioned, and Ruthenia was appended to the new Czechoslovak state as its easternmost province. With the advent of World War II, Ruthenia declared its independence, lasting one day, until its annexation by Hungary. After the war, the Ruthenes of Czechoslovakia, occupied by Hungary, were annexed by the Soviet Union as part of the Ukrainian SSR, which proceeded with an anti-ethnic assimilation program. Poland did the same, using internal exile to move all Rusyns from the southern homelands to western areas conquered from Germany, and immersed in Polish.
Toda la sal
todo el azùcar
todo el vino
toda mi vida,solo deseo
vivirla contigo.
Toda la luz
todo el oscuro
todo lo que escribo
todo el camino,ardo en deseos
de andarlo contigo.
Con tu amor,siento calma
y a la orilla del rio
tu calor se me agarra y me llenas
el alma de luz y rocìo.
Con tu amor siento ganas
en los cinco sentidos
y me llevas tan lejos,que apenas
recuerdo de donde venimos.
Todo el calor
todas las nubes
todo el frio
toda la lluvia,ardo en deseos
de mojarme contigo.
Todo el amor
todo el recuerdo
todo lo que olvido
todo el silencio,se hace canciones
durmiendo contigo.
Todo el sabor
todo el perfume
todo lo que ansìo
todos los mares,solo deseo
navegarlos contigo.
Todo sin mas
la eternidad también la pido
vida o castigo,solo deseo tenerla contigo
vida o castigo,solo deseo beberla contigo.
vida o castigo,solo deseo morirme contigo!