Rusa I

Rusa I (ruled 735-713 BC) was a King of Urartu. He succeeded his father, king Sarduri II.

Before Rusa's reign had begun, his father, King Sarduri II, had already expanded the kingdom to southeastern Anatolia, and had managed to retake various Anatolian territories from Assyria during a brief period of weakness in the Assyrian Empire.

However, when Rusa I inherited the throne, the Assyrians had regrouped under their new king Tiglath-Pileser III and had rapidly become a formidable foe, once more expanding their empire. The Assyrians repeatedly invaded Urartu, thus forcing Rusa I to spend the early years of his reign fighting the forces of Assyria. The conflict took a heavy toll on Urartu, particularly on its economy. After suffering numerous reverses, Urartu lost the territory it had annexed under Sarduri II to Tiglath-Pileser III, and was forced to pay tribute to Assyria.

After Tiglath-Pileser III's death, Urartu became restive during the reign of Shalmanassar V, but not for long. Sargon II, who came to the throne in 722 BC, continued the Assyrian hostility against Urartu. He declared war on Urartu in 715 BC, thus beginning the Urartu-Assyria War. After defeating the Urartian ally, the Kingdom of Mannea, the Assyrians attacked Urartu. Rusa I was decisively defeated in this war and Urartu was once more subjugated, being forced to pay large annual tributes to Assyria. Rusa I committed suicide after this war.



Just Can't Win

by: 10 Years

You and I share the same reflection
why dont you see that we cannot survive in this condition
If you're cut, I'll bleed
So go on carve into your own heart, I could use a new scar or a brand new start
Slowly severing the only memories that bind us as one.
I just dont know
How to win with you
And I cant let go, part of me is you.
We have lost all communication when words fall on deaf ears
I'm starting to feel a transformation.
How did I get here?
I dont recognize my own reflection its a ghost of what once was
Gone from relative to stranger, separating body from mind
I just dont know
How to win with you
And I cant let go, part of me is you.
You stay the same
Allowing me to change
I just dont know
How to win with you
I cant let go, part of me is you.
I just dont know, just dont know.
I cant let go, cant let go.

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