The Rupelian is, in the geologic timescale, the older of two ages or the lower of two stages of the Oligocene epoch/series. It spans the time between 33.9 and 28.1 Ma. It is preceded by the Priabonian stage (part of the Eocene) and is followed by the Chattian stage.
The stage is named after the small river Rupel in Belgium, a tributary to the Scheldt. The Belgian Rupel Group derives its name from the same source. The name Rupelian was introduced in scientific literature by Belgian geologist André Hubert Dumont in 1850. The separation between the group and the stage was made in the second half of the 20th century, when stratigraphers saw the need to distinguish between lithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic names.
The base of the Rupelian stage (which is also the base of the Oligocene series) is at the extinction of the foraminiferan genus Hantkenina. An official GSSP had not yet been assigned to the Rupelian in 2009.
The top of the Rupelian stage (the base of the Chattian) is at the extinction of the foram genus Chiloguembelina (which is also the base of foram biozone P21b).
Father, I've found a ship
to take me away
Pack my box and get me ready
No time to waste astray
Father, in a week i will be gone
To Miklagard on dragon's wings
There's riches to be won
To Uppsala
Odin and Thor
May they guard my way
Where i've never walked before
Sweden, oh Sweden
My fatherland my home
I pray to see your shores again
Tomorrow i'll be gone
Sweden, oh Sweden
Heathen stronghold in the black
Odin walks amidst your trees
May he guide me back
I saw an old man passing by
Under his cloak the flicker of an eye
As i turned
to ask his name
He was gone just as he came
I know i'm not alone
He will watch me far from home
And his wisdom be the light
And his courage in the fight
Odin, to Uppsala i shall come
To honour you with sacrifice
as it must be done
Oh Odin, i raise my hands to thee and pray
Give me strength and wisdom