French submarine Rubis (1931)
The Rubis (H4, 202, P15) was a Saphir-class minelaying submarine which served in the French Navy and Free French Navy during the Second World War. She was awarded the Ordre de la Libération for her services.
After serving in Toulon with the 7th and later 5th submarine squadrons, in 1937 Rubis was transferred to Cherbourg.
During the Norwegian campaign, in May 1940, she laid mines off the Norwegian coast; her mines claimed four Norwegian vessels in May and June, and a further three merchantmen in July. At the time of the French surrender on June 22, 1940, she was in the port of Dundee, Scotland in the United Kingdom, where she promptly joined the Free French Forces. At that time she was commanded by Capitaine de Corvette Georges Cabanier
Whilst minelaying off Norway in mid-1941, she encountered and torpedoed a Finnish merchantman. Later in the war, she laid mines in the Bay of Biscay, claiming three German auxiliary minesweepers, an armed trawler, and a Vichy French tug in 1942, and a fourth auxiliary minesweeper in 1943. Operating off Stavanger in September 1944, her mines claimed two auxiliary submarine chasers and two merchantmen. In October and November she continued in Norwegian waters, damaging two vessels but with no sinkings. On 21 December, however, her mines claimed three auxiliary submarine chasers, a German merchantman, and a minesweeper.