Royal Rangers
Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys in grades K-12 providing “Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.” Its uniforms, mottoes, practices and operation is very similar to the Boy Scouts. The Royal Rangers program is active throughout the United States as well as over 90 nations of the world. Although Royal Rangers in the USA is a boys-only program, except in the case that the church does not have a girls ministry program, some nations operate Royal Rangers as a co-ed program allowing both boys and girls to participate.
NOTE: This article refers primarily to the Royal Rangers program as it currently exists in the USA. For information about Royal Rangers in other countries, refer to Royal Rangers International below.
1960 Rev. Burton Pierce comes to Springfield, Missouri as Men's Department Secretary. He helps develop "The Group of Brothers"—Burton Pierce, Lloyd Colbough, Charles Scott, Weldon Colbough, and Dick Champion—to pray for God's direction in the development of a new boys' program in the Assemblies of God.