Roy Winsor

Roy Winsor (April 13, 1912 - May 31, 1987) was an American soap opera writer, creator and novelist.


Roy Winsor was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1912. He is most famous for creating some of the longest running soap operas in television history. Before he created television soap operas he wrote for many radio serials. He also produced the Western Have Gun – Will Travel for the radio. In 1951 he created the long-running soap opera Search for Tomorrow (1951-1986). For Search for Tomorrow, he first worked with fellow soap opera writer Agnes Nixon. The same year he created Love of Life (1951-1980). 3 years later he would create another long-running soap opera The Secret Storm (1954-1974). The year before The Secret Storm ended he would take over as head writer of the NBC soap opera Somerset, he wrote for the show from 1973 to 1974. In 1981 after a long break he returned to soap operas and created (with Bob Aaron) the soap opera Another Life (1981-1984) for CBN. He was the author of three mystery novels: The Corpse That Walked which won the "Edgar" from the Mystery Writers Association of America in 1975, Three Motives for Murder, and Always Lock Your Bedroom Door. He died in 1987 at the age of 75 in Pelham Manor, New York.




by: Gloria Estefan

(Olivia, Giordano, Serrano y Murciano)
Un vacio, un gran dolor
me dejo tu ingrato amor
al partir
pues no supo comprender ni aquilatar
la gran pasion
que hubo en mi
y desecha se quedo
toda mi vida
perdida en una obsesion.
Por la ansias que en mi ser
tu dejaste.
Senti mi alma deambular
ya moribunda
en una vaga penumbra
a#orando un amor nuevo
que me hiciera...
Renacer, renacer.
Pero hoy
ese amor nuevo ha venido
y se encuentra aqui, conmigo.
Ha borrado mi tristeza
y mi vida ha renacido.
Por eso comprendo hoy
que tu fuiste una ilusion
que tu ser me consumio
como un vicio
que te adore solo por capricho.
Y que el verdadero amor
lo tengo ahora,
y me ha hecho...
Renacer, renacer.
