Roy Isao Sano (born 1931) is a retired Japanese-American Bishop of the United Methodist Church, elected in 1984.
Sano was born on 18 June 1931 in Brawley, California, of Japanese immigrants to the U.S. Upon the death of their third child, Roy's parents were converted to Christianity. When Roy was eleven, his family was sent to the Poston War Relocation Center, and then to Pennsylvania under the sponsorship of a Quaker family, where they worked as farm workers. It was during this time that Roy felt a call to the ministry. After World War II the Sanos returned to California, uniting members of their family who had served in the U.S. Armed Forces and those who had served in the Imperial Japanese Army. He is married to Kathleen Thomas-Sano and is the father of three children.
Toda la sal
todo el azùcar
todo el vino
toda mi vida,solo deseo
vivirla contigo.
Toda la luz
todo el oscuro
todo lo que escribo
todo el camino,ardo en deseos
de andarlo contigo.
Con tu amor,siento calma
y a la orilla del rio
tu calor se me agarra y me llenas
el alma de luz y rocìo.
Con tu amor siento ganas
en los cinco sentidos
y me llevas tan lejos,que apenas
recuerdo de donde venimos.
Todo el calor
todas las nubes
todo el frio
toda la lluvia,ardo en deseos
de mojarme contigo.
Todo el amor
todo el recuerdo
todo lo que olvido
todo el silencio,se hace canciones
durmiendo contigo.
Todo el sabor
todo el perfume
todo lo que ansìo
todos los mares,solo deseo
navegarlos contigo.
Todo sin mas
la eternidad también la pido
vida o castigo,solo deseo tenerla contigo
vida o castigo,solo deseo beberla contigo.
vida o castigo,solo deseo morirme contigo!