Rowntree was an English confectionery business based in York. Rowntree developed the Kit Kat, Smarties and Aero brands in the 1930s, and the Rolo and Quality Street brands when it merged with Mackintosh's in 1969.
Founded in 1862, the company developed strong associations with Quaker philanthropy. Throughout much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it was one of the big three confectionery manufacturers in the United Kingdom, alongside Cadbury and Fry. By the time the company was acquired by Nestlé in 1988 it was the fourth largest confectionery manufacturer in the world. The Rowntree brand continues to be used to market Nestlé's jelly sweet brands, such as Fruit Pastilles and Fruit Gums.
In 1862, Rowntree's was founded at Castlegate, York by Henry Isaac Rowntree, as the company manager bought out the Tuke family. In 1864 Rowntree acquired an old iron foundry at Tanners Moat for £1,000, and moved production there. In 1869 the factory was staffed by 12 men. By 1869 Rowntree was in financial difficulties and his brother, Joseph Rowntree, joined him in full partnership, and H.I. Rowntree & Co was formally established.
escrevo-te estas mal traçadas linhas, meu amor
porque veio a saudade visitar meu coração
espero que desculpes por meus erros, por favor
nas frases desta carta que é uma prova de afeição
talvez tu não a leias, mas quem sabe até darás
resposta imediata me chamando de meu bem
porém o que me importa é confessar-te uma vez mais
não sei amar na vida mais ninguém
tanto tempo faz
que li no teu olhar
a vida cor de rosa que eu sonhava
e guardo a impressão
de que já vi passar
um ano sem te ver
um ano sem te amar
ao me apaixonar
por ti não reparei
que tu tivestes só entusiasmo
e para terminar
amor assinarei
do sempre, sempre teu...
Repete #1#
escrevo-te estas mal traçadas linhas
porque veio a saudade visitar meu coração
escrevo-te estas mal traçadas linhas
porque veio a saudade visitar meu coração
escrevo-te estas mal traçadas linhas
espero que desculpes os meus erros, por favor
meu amor, meu amor