A rowlock UK /ˈrɒlək/, sometimes spur (due to the similarity in shape and size), oarlock (US) or gate (AUS) is a brace that attaches an oar to a boat. When a boat is rowed, the rowlock acts as a fulcrum, and, in doing so, the propulsive force that the rower exerts on the water with the oar is transferred to the boat by the thrust force exerted on the rowlock.
On ordinary rowing craft, the rowlocks are attached to the gunwales. In the sport of rowing, the rowlocks are attached to outriggers (often just called "riggers"), which project from the boat and provide greater leverage. In sport rowing, the rowlocks are normally U-shaped and attached to a vertical pin which allows the rowlock to pivot around the pin during the rowing stroke. They additionally have a locking mechanism (properly known as "the gate") across the top of the "U" to prevent the oar from unintentionally popping out of the rowlock.
Originally rowlocks were two wooden posts or thole pins that the shaft of the oar nestled between.
We are one and many a driving force consuming the enemy
Vengeance is mine for the time when their foot shall slip
The day of tragedy is at hand
So their doom comes swiftly
Uncontained hatred rains like fire from the sky
The wind and the storms and the fire is on our side
They sow the wind and shall reap the whirlwind
Men will be annihilated and women will be raped
Temples are ablaze we set fire to your faith
Where are your gods the rock in which you took refuge
Who drank the blood the wine of your libations?
Now nothing more than a memory in a mouth of Ashes
The day of tragedy is at hand
So their doom comes swiftly
See now that I, even I am he I am the god to be
I hold my hand to the sky and command from the throne
As I live forever when I whet my flashing sword
And my hand takes hold on Judgement
I will have Vengeance