Rowing, often referred to as crew in the United States, is a sport with origins back to Ancient Egyptian times. It is based on propelling a boat (racing shell) on water using oars. By pushing against the water with an oar, a force is generated to move the boat. The sport can be either recreational - focusing on learning the technique of rowing, or competitive - where athletes race against each other in boats. There are a number of different boat classes in which athletes compete, ranging from an individual shell (called a single scull) to an eight-person shell with coxswain (called a coxed eight).
Modern rowing as a competitive sport can be traced to the early 18th century when races were held between professional watermen on the River Thames in London, United Kingdom. Often prizes were offered by the London Guilds and Livery Companies. Amateur competition began towards the end of the 18th century with the arrival of "boat clubs" at the British public schools of Eton College and Westminster School. Similarly, clubs were formed at the University of Oxford, with a race held between Brasenose College and Jesus College in 1815. At the University of Cambridge the first recorded races were in 1827. Public rowing clubs were beginning at the same time; in England Leander Club was founded in 1818, in Germany Der Hamburger und Germania Ruder Club was founded in 1836 and in the United States Narragansett Boat Club was founded in 1838 and Detroit Boat Club was founded in 1839. In 1843, the first American college rowing club was formed at Yale University.
Jade na rowerze sluchaj do byle gdzie
Rower mam posluchaj w taki rozowy jazz
Moze bys tak Damian wpadl popedalowac
Ubierz sie w obcisle bo to warto miec styl
I depniemy sobie ode wsi dode wsi
Moze bys tak Damian wpadl popedalowac
Flaga na maszt
Irak jest nasz
A rower jest wielce OK
Rower to jest swiat
Dziki PIES PATOLDY sluchaj nie gadaj ze
Tez tam jest a potrafi si wsciec
Otoz rower nas ocala jak GROM petrolade
Zup terroru Damian chyba mamy juz dosc
Deser sie nalezy bo od wojny masz szok
Moze bys tak Damian wpadl popedalowac
Flaga na maszt
Irak jest nasz
A rower jest wielce OK
Rower to jest swiat
Futu futu futu futu
"Ja jestem SPOKOKOLA-rz
I mam na imie TRISH
A oto ludu wola
Cool na maxa full i ekstra
Z powodu karambola
Obsunal mi sie stroj
I nie wiem czemu wolam
Cool na maxa full i ekstra