A die grinder, also known as a rotary tool, is a handheld power tool used for grinding, sanding, honing, polishing, or machining material (typically metal, but also plastic or wood). They are usually pneumatically driven, although electric and flexible shaft drive also exist. Their name comes from one of their earliest and archetypal applications, tool and die work, where they were used to create the precise contours of dies or molds. Especially before the advent of widespread CNC usage, they were heavily relied upon for contouring via manual skill comparable to a sculptor's. CNC now provides much of the contouring for die and mold interior surfaces, but die grinders are still very useful for hundreds of cutting needs, from sculpture-like contouring in the absence of CNC, to cut-off of bar stock, to any of the cutting and grinding needs of fabrication, such as in the work of welders, boilermakers, millwrights, ironworkers (steel erectors), sheet metal workers (such as auto body workers and HVAC technicians), to woodworking (especially cabinet making), hacking, and other hobby or business pursuits. Die grinders are often used for engraving, cylinder head porting, and general shaping of a part.
Retrattile comparsa dritta agli occhi miei
erano tempi che non ti incontravo,
no e no, non e' quel
che si possa dire bello a vedersi:
endofita errante in buco-societa'
Parassitare per la nuova dignita' e' un surrogato delle andate vanita'
Cosi' disponi e sei esplicito col beige che non ti dona ma ti spara via
dai guai
Congratulazioni! Congratulazio-o-O-O-niii!
Probabilmente io meritavo di piu'
Societa' sa arruolare i suoi filistei
e sa far ridere gli amici che non hai piu'
E' l'arma giusta per
schierarti con chi vuoi
SLOGAN-doti la resa sale piu' che mai
Congratulazioni! Congratulazio-o-O-O-niii!