Rotary may refer to:
A traffic circle is a type of intersection that directs both turning and through traffic onto a one-way circular roadway, usually built for the purposes of traffic calming or aesthetics. Contrary to a roundabout, where entering traffic always yields to traffic already in the circle and merges in directly, the entrances to traffic circles are 3-way intersections either controlled by stop signs, traffic signals, or not formally controlled. Colloquially, however, roundabouts are sometimes referred to as circles.
In the United States, traffic engineers typically use the term rotary for large scale circular junctions between expressways or controlled-access highways. Rotaries typically feature high speeds inside the circle and on the approaches.
In New England, roundabouts are generally called rotaries and the traffic that is already driving in the rotary always has the right of way. For examples of where this is specified, in Massachusetts "Any operator of a vehicle entering a rotary intersection shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle already in the intersection.". In Rhode Island entering vehicles "Yield to vehicles in the roundabout."