"Rose's Turn" is a song from the musical, Gypsy. It has been performed by such actresses as Ethel Merman, Angela Lansbury, Tyne Daly, Patti Lupone, Bernadette Peters and Imelda Staunton.
The song "occurs at the point when Mama Rose realises the frustrations of having little to show for the sacrifices that have left her with two seemingly ungrateful children." At this point in the show, Mama Rose is "a character whose dreams were too strong and whose heart held her own feelings hostage to make those dreams come true". She "finally drops her facade and admits her frustration and despair". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette argues the "unmasking of her psyche" takes place during the song.
The song was written by Jule Styne with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. As the finale, it contains a number of callbacks to songs from earlier in the show. Bette Midler, who performed the show in the Gypsy (1993 film) television movie, said the song is her favourite piece from the show: "It's a terrifying piece of music because it's one of the two most famous arias in the musical comedy lexicon, the other being 'Soliloquy' from Carousel".
"Rose's Turn" is the 107th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. It is the twentieth episode of the show's fifth season and has been aired on April 26, 2009.
The episode begins with Mary Alice talking about Rose Kemper's life and when Orson broke into her house and she chased him out by hitting him in the head with a baseball bat. While dialing the police, she looks out her window and sees Edie's accident, giving her a heart attack. Katherine visits Rose in the hospital and she tells Katherine that death tried to take her, but he couldn't, so he took Edie Britt instead. Katherine doesn't believe her, but across the hall, Orson overhears Katherine and Rose's conversation, becoming very nervous.
Orson is being treated for his head wound and tells the doctor he was taking a walk and tripped and hit his head on the curb. Bree tells Orson that she cannot put up with his stealing and lying anymore so Orson tells her he just wants to be happy and a good husband. Bree tells him she hopes so because she can't take anymore lying so Orson promises there will not be anymore lying. Orson asks the doctor about Rose's condition, but he cannot discuss it so Orson tries to get them to have her placed in a nursing home by hinting that if she hurt herself or anyone else the hospital could be held responsible.
All that work and what did it get me?
Why did I do it?
Scrapbooks full of me in the background.
Give 'em love and what does it get ya?
What does it get ya?
One quick look as each of 'em leaves you.
All your life and what does it get ya?
Thanks a lot and out with the garbage,
They take bows and you're battin' zero.
I had a dream.
I dreamed it for you, Dad.
It wasn't for me, Dad.
And if it wasn't for me
Then where would you be,
Miss Rachel Berry?
Well, someone tell me, when is it my turn?
Don't I get a dream for myself?
Starting now it's gonna be my turn.
Gangway, world, get off of my runway!
Starting now I bat a thousand!
This time, boys, I'm taking the bows and
Everything's coming up Kurt!
Everything's coming up Hummel!
Everything's coming up Kurt!
This time for me!