Root are a Czech black metal band.
Root were formed by vocalist Big Boss and guitarist Blackie in late 1987. According to Big Boss, in the beginning, they knew no foreign bands and could do no tape trading. Although the first demo recording mentioned on their homepage's discography section is Deep in Hell, according to their biography, they recorded their first official demo tape Reap of Hell after a few rehearsals. Root played their first concert in September 1988. The next demo cassette War of Rats was released in 1988, followed by Messengers from Darkness in 1989. Vocalist Big Boss played drums on these recordings. Whereas Messengers from Darkness is mentioned as "the third and last" demo cassette in their biography, the discography section lists The Trial as the last one.
In 1990, the band released the single 7 černých jezdců / 666, with artwork done by Master's Hammer vocalist František Štorm. To promote their first album, Zjevení (again with artwork by Štorm), they recorded a video for their song "Hrbitov", released on the Czech Death Metal Session compilation, with photographs by Štorm. Zjevení was also released as The Revelation.
[Big Boss, Ashok / Big Boss]
Through myself one can reach the place of eternal suffering,
Through myself one can reach the night that is not followed by a morning,
Through myself one can reach the cursed bastards of one's mother-country... (**)
Who knows the mysterious place,
Where it lies forgotten,
Covered with a layer of the whole millennium's dust
And still waiting and waiting...
Who finds it and use it,
Will become the Lord of the World,
The Central Point of Magic
Is conjured in it....
I have been looking for it for whole Ages,
I am close, very close now,
I can feel its power and force,
My black blood is boiling...
I know it is waiting for me,
We are tied together with a bond,
Bond of dark anger,
Cruelty, passion and victory...
When I seize it with my hands
And say the Words,
Then the Galaxy contracts,
Then be in fear, you...
... you disgusting, you stinking!
[(**) Dante, Inferno.]