Ronald L. Numbers (born 1942) is an American historian of science. He was awarded the 2008 George Sarton Medal by the History of Science Society for "a lifetime of exceptional scholarly achievement by a distinguished scholar".
Numbers is the son of a Seventh-day Adventist preacher, and was a Seventh-day Adventist in his youth, but now describes himself as agnostic. He became a leading scholar in the history of science and religion and an authority on the history of creationism and creation science.
We've had a number of U.S. Presidents who got involved in movies and television before they held the top office - most famously, RonaldReagan and Donald Trump - but far fewer that did so after leaving office. However, one ....
An Ontario court has granted Comark Holdings Inc ... and Mr ... A government business registry shows Ronald Stern, founder and president of Stern Partners, is a director and major shareholder of a numbered company that court documents say wholly owns Comark.