Sir Ronald Arthur Irish (26 March 1913 – 12 July 1993) attended Fort Street High School in the 1930s. He later became Chairman of Rothmans of Pall Mall (Australia), now British American Tobacco Australia. He is also the author of several books on auditing. He is an Honorary Fellow of the University of Sydney.
Irish Fest at Enegren Brewing Co. The festival will feature bagpipers, live Irish music, Irish dancers and a special release of a Dry Irish Stout from 11 a.m ... Irish step dancing ... Irish Mass ... The service will feature a bagpiper and Irish music.
What’s with your socks? I’m trying to stay focused …' Trump ribbed his VP during a televised meeting with the Irish Taoiseach that ran for 50 minutes ... The tradition started in 1981 under Irish House SpeakerTip O'Neil and PresidentRonaldReagan.
Trump showers Irish prime minister with praise at White House reception. In a display of mutual flattery, Trump noted previous presidents of Irish descent, including “the late great” RonaldReagan and John F ... through the work of Irish immigrants.