Ron Reyes (born July 24, 1960) is a North American musician most noted as the second singer for the Los Angeles punk rock group Black Flag. Reyes joined Black Flag after original vocalist Keith Morris had quit to form the Circle Jerks. Black Flag needed a singer to go on a tour to Vancouver, Canada, and asked Reyes to fill in.
Ron Reyes was from a middle-class family, His father owned a popular jazz shop in California and Ron grew up listening to his father's record collection. As a boy, Ron would hang out in the streets and listen to Black Sabbath and David Bowie while his friends sniffed glue and smoked cannabis . He remembers himself as an outcast in school, where the jocks would make fun of his KISS inspired glam rock fashion. But that didn't stop Ron from being an early adopter, first to do – invent. And he shared his first experiences at legendary Hollywood punk venues like RAJI'S to his high school friends in Hermosa Beach, spreading the news and unfurling the flag for new local bands to come.
Ich bin der Reiter
du bist das Ross
ich steige auf
wir reiten los
du stohnst ich sag dir vor
ein Elefant im Nadelohr
Rein Raus
Ich bin der Reiter
du bist das Ross
ich hab den Schlussel
du hast das Schloss?
die Tur geht auf ich trete ein
das Leben kann so prachtvoll sein
Rein Raus
Tiefer tiefer
sag es sag es laut
tiefer tiefer
ich fuhl mich wohl in deiner Haut
und tausend Elefanten brechen aus
Der Ritt war kurz
es tut mir leid
ich steige ab hab keine Zeit
muss jetzt zu den anderen Pferden
wollen auch geritten werden
Rein Raus
Rein (tiefer)