Roger the Dodger is a fictional character featured regularly in the UK comic The Beano. His strip consists solely of Roger's basic remit to avoid doing chores and homework which usually involves him concocting complex and ultimately disastrous plans, the undoing of which results in him being punished (usually by his long-suffering father). To perform these tasks he enlists the help of his many 'dodge books'.
He first appeared in issue 561, dated 18 April 1953. His appearance is vaguely similar to that of Dennis the Menace; he wears a black-and-red chequered jumper, black trousers and takes better care of his hair than his equally mischievous counterpart. He also used to have a white tie, but it seems to have disappeared. Originally drawn by Ken Reid, Gordon Bell took over in 1959, but Roger dodged his way out of the Beano in 1960. He returned, drawn by Bob McGrath, in April 1961. Ken Reid was re-commissioned to draw the strip in 1962, and Robert Nixon when Reid left DC Thomson in 1964. When Nixon left in 1973, Tom Lavery began drawing the strip, who was then followed by Frank McDiarmid in 1976.
You ran, you hit the top
The wind was at your back
Or was it something else
That put you on the track?
You cheat, you lie
We're standing by as fools
Behind the armed locked doors
The dodger bends the rules
Now tell us who’s hiding inside of you
Behind that false self-righteous look in your eyes
A devil in a clever disguise
Directing some damage, some fear in our lives
"In God" you say you trust
You glorify your ways
Your words go down like nails
In cracking boards of clay
We're loud, we're strong, we know!!
The bad guys bond will break
We'll wash your dirty dish
So cut your final cake
We'll tell you what's bothering most is the ways
That a Dodger can get to the top
This sad state from the board to the trust
The money and moves that prevent you from stop
And the hope that we all carried around
Now we're trading the last bit of freedom it seems
So sorry when reality strikes
There's nothing but dust in our dreams
There's nothing but dust in our dreams
And we'll tell you what's hiding inside of our hearts
Behind all the anger of life
And we'll tell you our feelings inside
When we're facing our children, see the look in their
And we'll sing you the truths of our lives
All the songs that are filling our hearts