MOC, MoC, or moc may refer to:
José Mariano Mociño Suárez Lozano (1757 – 12 June 1820), or simply José Mariano Mociño, was a naturalist from New Spain.
After having studied philosophy and medicine, he conducted early research on the ecology (especially botany), geology, and anthropology of his country and other parts of North America.
He was born in Temascaltepec (modern-day Mexico State) in 1757. Being poor, he worked in many different jobs to study in the Seminario Tridentino de México, where he devoted himself especially to physics, mathematics, botany, and chemistry. In 1778 he graduated in philosophy. In 1791 he was called to join the scientific expedition of Martín de Sessé, the Royal Botanical Expedition, which had started in 1787. They traveled across New Spain, reaching the most inhospitable places of the Empire, being especially notable his trips to the Pacific Northwest (modern-day U.S. states of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska, and the Canadian province of British Columbia), among others. Although the pay for his job was minimal, he created one of the most important natural history collections of his times.
The rock cavy or mocó (Kerodon rupestris) is a cavy species endemic to eastern Brazil, from eastern Piauí state to Minas Gerais state. It has been introduced to the oceanic island of Fernando de Noronha.
Rock cavies are found in dry, rocky areas with low, scrubby vegetation, and close to stony mountains and hills, resembling another (only distantly related) creature, the rock hyrax. They usually shelter in crevices and the males are territorial, defending rock piles against other adult males.
The rock cavy is a fairly large rodent weighing up to 1 kg (2.2 lb) and, as in other cavies, the tail is vestigial or absent. The dorsum is grey and the venter light brown.
They feed on seed and leaves of the scrubby vegetation that grows in their territories. They live in groups and give birth to one or two young only, but several litters per year are common. The gestation period averages 75 days. They can sometimes display homosexual behavior, with males courting males. Some paedophilical behavior has also been displayed, with adult males courting juvenile males. Each group has an alpha or dominant male and several females.
Rodeo (/ˈroʊdiːoʊ/ or /roʊˈdeɪ.oʊ/) is a competitive sport that arose out of the working practices of cattle herding in Spain, Mexico, and later the United States, Canada, South America, Australia and New Zealand. It was based on the skills required of the working vaqueros and later, cowboys, in what today is the western United States, western Canada, and northern Mexico. Today it is a sporting event that involves horses and other livestock, designed to test the skill and speed of the cowboys and cowgirls. American style professional rodeos generally comprise the following events: tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, saddle bronc riding, bareback bronc riding, bull riding and barrel racing. The events are divided into two basic categories: the rough stock events and the timed events. Depending on sanctioning organization and region, other events such as breakaway roping, goat tying, or pole bending may also be a part of some rodeos.
American rodeo, particularly popular today within the Canadian province of Alberta and throughout the western United States, is the official state sport of Wyoming, South Dakota, and Texas. The iconic silhouette image of a "Bucking Horse and Rider" is a federal and state-registered trademark of the State of Wyoming. The Legislative Assembly of Alberta has considered making American rodeo the official sport of that province. However, enabling legislation has yet to be passed.
Rodéo, written and drawn by Morris, is an album containing three stories from serial publication in Spirou magazine during 1948-49, namely Grand rodéo, Lucky Luke à Desperado-City and La ruée vers l'or de Buffalo Creek. Together they were released as the second Lucky Luke hardcover album in 1949.
In Grand Rodeo, Lucky Luke arrives in Navajo City, a town about to stage a rodeo, and soon meets the intimidating town bully, Cactus Kid. Presumed the favourite to win by the town and himself, Cactus Kid realises he may have met his match in Lucky Luke, and resorts to foul play. When this also fails, the Kid takes the prize money and runs, leading Lucky Luke to hunt him down.
In Desperado-City, Lucky Luke arrives in Desperado City, where two desperados, the Pistol Brothers, appear to be the source of local terror. Lucky Luke attempts to install peace by capturing the troublemakers, but it unfolds that the town is flooded with bandits, unwilling to accept the enforcement of the law, and Lucky Luke finds himself attacked from every direction. Against massive odds and nearly the victim of a lynching, Lucky Luke prevails to remove the element of crime, and rename the town "Justice City".
"Rodeo" is a song written by Larry Bastian, and recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in August 1991 as the first single from his album Ropin' the Wind. It peaked at number three on the U.S. country chart but reached number-one on the Canadian country chart.
Garth provided the following background information on the song in the CD booklet liner notes from The Hits:
"If one looks down the list of music's greatest writers of all time, I couldn't imagine the list being complete without the name of Larry Bastian. The song 'Rodeo' was originally titled 'Miss Rodeo.' It was a female song, where the artist sang about how she could not compete with the sport of rodeo. I tried to get every female I know in the industry to cut this song. When the last told me she just didn't hear it, I began to wonder if that meant i was supposed to do something with it. This song was recorded in 1981 as a demo, and for ten years it sat silent. We got a hold of it, and the band's version of it just stunned me. This song has always been a favorite live, and I hope as long as I get to play live, this will always be on the list."