Robin Holcomb
Robin Lynn Holcomb is an American singer, songwriter and pianist. Her musical style combines avant-garde jazz scenes, classical-themed compositions, and country or folk Americana.
The New York Times described her music as "a new American regionalism, spun from many threads -- country rock, minimalism, Civil War songs, Baptist hymns, Appalachian folk tunes, even the polytonal music of Charles Ives. The music that results is as elegantly simple as a Shaker quilt, and no less beautiful." Despite her eclectic output, she has said that she doesn't try to "genre mash" intentionally " just kind of comes up because it's what's in the air. I am drawn repeatedly to hymn-type harmonies. I was fascinated by Civil-War songs when I was a kid. I come back to those things." She also describes her style as "minimalism without being a minimalist...when I write poetry, I go for the fewest number of words that evoke a lot or let the readers connect the dots, or relate it to their own experience, and the same with music."