Robert W. Olson
Robert W. Olson (October 25, 1920 – April 16, 2013 in Hendersonville, North Carolina ) was an American Seventh-day Adventist leader who was director of the Ellen G. White Estate from 1978 to 1990.
Olson was the first staff member who was not a direct descendant of Ellen G. White to run her estate and the first staff member to hold a Ph.D. He had a wide variety of pastoral and administrative posts before joining the White Estate in the early 1970s. His leadership was characterized by a new openness to her writings (including the release of the controversial "Z file") and the release and publication of Ellen White's published writings on CD-ROM.
"101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White" (PDF) (Washington, D.C.: Ellen G. White Estate, March 1981). Also appeared as a supplement to the Australasian Record of June 8, 1981)
"The 'Shut Door' Documents" compilation, with occasional commentary. White Estate, 1982
The Crisis Ahead: A Compilation From The Writings Of Ellen G. White, 1974 Published by College Bookstore, Angwin, California