The joke density in RobertHorn’s book is relentless — the word “corn” crops up 113 times — ensuring that even the most dad-joke adverse will find something to groan, eye-roll and eventually laugh at.
SCHENECTADY, N.Y ...Perhaps, most surprisingly, the book by RobertHorn is so without guile it seems wildly genuine ... Not true ... As Gordy, Quinn Vanantwerp does the impossible by channeling Robert Preston in “The Music Man” as he makes the schemer loveable.
The HornAntenna was the instrument used by radio astronomers Arno Penzias and RobertWilson that detected a background noise, later discovered to be caused by cosmic microwave background radiation from outside the galaxy.
by Robert Ham ... “They address a lot of really cool things,” co-director and co-star of Stumptown’s production of TootsieSteveCoker says of the musical’s creators Robert Horn and David Yazbeck.
The story created by RobertHorn, has been credited with giving the show both humor and heart ... However, the writing has more often been compared to the work Horn did while writing for the beloved television series, “Designing Women.” ... ....
“Around the Horn has had a remarkable run of more than two decades,” DavidRoberts, ESPN’s executive vice president, executive editor, sports news and entertainment, said in a statement on Tuesday.
The final ever episode of 'Around the Horn' will air on May 23, bringing the ESPN show to an end after 23 years on air ... 'Around the Horn has had a remarkable run of more than two decades,' ESPN executive DavidRoberts said in a statement.
Former Alderman CharlesRoberts was indicted by the DA's Office in September for one count of fraud ... Roberts served three terms as Ward 4 alderman in HornLake before losing in a primary runoff to current Alderman David Young in 2021.