Famous quotes by Robert Ford:
"The attacks over the last few days reinforced the importance of building national unity in Iraq and stopping those who would try to foment sectarian strife."
"Traditional networks take an evolutionary approach in responding to changing needs and usage patterns. If additional capacity or enhanced functionality was not originally designed in, those needs often go unmet. Leveraging our core technology and integration skills, we take a revolutionary approach to rapidly deploy 'on demand' networks."
"We start by looking at our customers' needs, what they currently have and determine where the gaps are. Using our toolkit, we then design, build and deploy a solution that meets those needs. In this increasingly 'on demand' world, Sudden Network™ Solutions enables us to rapidly and cost-effectively meet our customers' ever-evolving connectivity needs."
"This means that we can now offer flexible, scalable, reliable and cost-effective connectivity solutions (from fractional T-1s, all the way up to DS-3 circuits at 45 Mbps) to the 135,000 businesses within our footprint. In addition, from our newest tower site on Santiago Peak (at 5,687 feet, it is the highest point in Orange County), we are now in a position to further extend our footprint to every major city within Southern California."
"He's come to grips with facing these charges and handling them in an appropriate manner."
"Once we get past the immediate repercussions of yesterday's violence, we will see things stabilize again."
"I continue to like oil service plays and this one fits that bill real good. I think they're in a good spot in which they have relatively high horsepower rigs. With drilling demand currently, those are more likely to be in demand."
"Courts don't have enough resources to give everyone a trial."
"It's been very hard, very difficult."
"This is going to be the place to be on Memorial Day, especially for families, a place to see what Memorial Day is all about. It's going to be a very impressive ceremony and parade."