Sampson has a Bachelor of Arts degree and an MBA from Queen's University. Sampson worked at the Toronto branch of the Toronto Dominion Bank from 1980 to 1987, and at the Toronto branch of Chase Manhattan from 1987 to 1995. He also worked for Brays Lane Consulting in 1995, and is a Fellow in the Institute of Canadian Bankers. In 1992-93, he was an Executive Member of the Planning Advisory Committee for the City of Toronto.
Rob Sampson, R-Wolcott, the ranking SenateRepublican on labor, provides a conservative foil to the liberal Kushner ... Rob Sampson pulls the microphone away from Sen.
Rob Sampson said in a recent interview ...Last Monday, Sen, Sampson claimed to be “humble” as he told reporter MikeCerulli that he wielded “tremendous power” over the legislature as it nears the end of its session ... I really do,” Sampson reportedly said.
Rob Sampson, R-Wolcott, told Cluff, the tribal vice chair, he disagreed with such sentiments ... Cluff invited Sampson to visit her tribe’s museum and research center if he wanted to learn more. Sampson ...
by Ginny Monk and Dave Altimari, The ConnecticutMirror. This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with The Connecticut Mirror ... “This is awesome ... Rob Sampson, R-Wolcott, General Law Committee ranking member Sen ... .
Support trusted journalism in Connecticut...Become a Member Now ... Bright Jr ... Rob Sampson, R-Wolcott, cast the sole negative vote in the Senate against Kelly and D’Agostino. Sampson did not explain his vote on the floor, and he declined comment later ... M ... $25.
Credit... In an emailed statement Monday, SenateRepublicans Steven Harding, R-Brookfield, Eric Berthel, R-Bethel and Rob Sampson, R-Wolcott, said they’re seeking to roll back what they called the “disastrous effects” of the TrustAct.