Roar is an American fantasy action adventure television series that originally aired on the Fox network from July 14, 1997 until September 1, 1997. The series was created by Shaun Cassidy and Ron Koslow and was set in the year 400 AD, following a young Irish man, Conor (Heath Ledger), as he sets out to rid his land of the invading Romans, but in order to accomplish this, he must to unite the Celtic clans. It also starred Vera Farmiga, Lisa Zane, John Saint Ryan, and Sebastian Roché. Roar was cancelled after 8 episodes due to low ratings, and the final 5 episodes were not broadcast by the network until 2000.
Roar chronicles the life of Conor (Ledger), a 20-year-old orphaned prince who must rise above tragedy to lead his people to freedom. Conor takes on a band of ragtag allies that include Tully (Greer), a teenage apprentice magician; Catlin (Farmiga), a beautiful former slave; and Fergus (Ryan), Conor's big-hearted, ebullient protector. Their primary struggle is against Longinus (Roché), a supernatural creature whose true essence is that of a 400-year-old Roman centurion ready to do the bidding of evil Queen Diana (Zane), who is an emissary of the Romans. In this fight for freedom, what is most important for Conor and his people is the Roar – the roar of the land, the roar of the people – a voice that echoes through every living creature and is the power of life.
Appreciated every word you said
Another hit, and I swear it's the last time
This should keep me in the straight and narrow
I'm such a sucker for the capital
She told me once, and that's all it took
To make me realize I'm starting over
It takes a strong boy, a strong push
And a reason to come clean
I've got a caddy, and a pistol
That says the light is turning green
There's sand grains in my hair
And love is in the air
So keep the rag top down
Because the sun's about to flicker out
There's no way
This closet's keeping me in here
I've got to break away
This gun is all that I've ever known
They took my lover away
Now I have upped the stakes
This confession is my only sin
Captivated by the passing lights
Incriminated by my growing up
And out of status premonitio is of their ways
I hold this curse at my arm's length out
I've got every reason to
My gut says, "Listen Up"