Rita Ortiz was a character in the long running police drama series NYPD Blue. She was played by Jacqueline Obradors.
Joining eight episodes into season nine to replace the long-departed Diane Russell she was partnered up with Connie McDowell and the two became close friends as well as partners. During this time she had to deal with her jealous, possibly violent, and ultimately unfaithful ADA husband Don, whom she tossed out and began divorce proceedings against after she caught him in the act, but Don was later murdered by the husband of the married woman he'd been cheating on Rita with. After some time to get over Don's death, she became involved with John Clark, Jr.. Her relationship with Clark floundered and then fell apart when he pushed her away after the suicide of his father. She requested a transfer out of the 15th from Tony Rodriguez but changed her mind after she saved the Lt.'s life. Her next relationship was also within the squad, this time with Lt. Rodriguez; he had decided to leave the NYPD and they began seriously dating as he took a private sector position. It was revealed a year later that she was again single, the assumption being that the relationship had ended in the interim.
they auctioned off our youth and it never sold i remember when you were young and acting like an adult ya contract that gave ya nill morals never filld so ya turned away started doin everything yer told one track retreads doin it all over again habitual device promise a lie on track retreads again hey kid i hear yer gonna be soldier in the troops sounds like a good career ya got your neck ina noose remember vietnam an economic front the poor at war makes money for the suits a filled up open minded club was capacity everubodys snortin coke and doin xtc the cows they stood in line for hours to get inside a disco rave to freak on a drum machine