
Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value. Values (such as physical health, social status, emotional well-being or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty. Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and uncontrollable outcome; risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.

Risk perception is the subjective judgment people make about the severity and probability of a risk, and may vary person to person. Any human endeavor carries some risk, but some are much riskier than others.


The Oxford English Dictionary cites the earliest use of the word in English (in the spelling of risque from its Arabic original "رزق" ) which mean working to gain income gain and profit (see Wikipedia Arabic meaning ) as of 1621, and the spelling as risk from 1655. It defines risk as:

  • Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one [project] objective. (This definition, using project terminology, is easily made universal by removing references to projects).
  • Risky (album)

    Risky is the fourth studio album by Japanese rock band B'z. "Risky" sold 314,770 copies in its first week and 1,695,900 copies in total. It is the band's first studio album to break the million mark.

    Risky was also the first of two collaborations with engineer Jason Corsaro, who has also worked with artists such as Duran Duran, The Power Station and Madonna.

    The album spawned two singles, "Easy Come, Easy Go!" and "Itoshii Hitoyo Good Night…."

    The album also produced the band's first (and, to date, only) official music video collection, Film Risky.

    Track listing

  • Risky - 1:24
  • Gimme Your Love - Fukutsu no Love Driver - (Gimme Your Love - 不屈の Love Driver -) - 4:23
  • Hot Fashion -Ryukoukata- (Hot Fashion -流行過多-) - 4:11
  • Easy Come, Easy Go! -Risky Style- - 4:40
  • Itoshii Hitoyo Good Night… (愛しい人よGood Night...) - 6:13
  • Holy Night ni kuchizuke wo (Holy Night にくちづけを) - 5:01
  • Vampire Woman - 4:58
  • Tashikana Mono Wa Yami No Naka (確かなものは闇の中) - 4:18
  • Friday Midnight Blue - 4:25
  • It's Raining... - 4:58
  • Podcasts:
