RISK! is a weekly podcast and live storytelling show created and hosted by writer and actor Kevin Allison. The show's official website describes RISK! as a place "where people tell true stories they never thought they’d dare to share in public".Risk! started as a weekly live storytelling series in August 2009. Chris Castiglione and Jeff Barr joined in 2010 as part of the founding team.
Each episode of the Risk! podcast starts with an introduction from Kevin Allison. In his introduction, Allison updates listeners about upcoming events that relate to the show and he also introduces that week's theme. Past themes include "Unintended," "New At This," and "Met on the Net."
The show then continues with humorous theme-based first-person narratives that are told by comedians as well as everyday people. The stories from the podcast are usually a combination of material from Kevin Allison, the live show, listener submissions and/or work from The Story Studio. These stories are usually followed by user-submitted interstitial music.
Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value. Values (such as physical health, social status, emotional well-being or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty. Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and uncontrollable outcome; risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.
Risk perception is the subjective judgment people make about the severity and probability of a risk, and may vary person to person. Any human endeavor carries some risk, but some are much riskier than others.
The Oxford English Dictionary cites the earliest use of the word in English (in the spelling of risque from its Arabic original "رزق" ) which mean working to gain income gain and profit (see Wikipedia Arabic meaning ) as of 1621, and the spelling as risk from 1655. It defines risk as:
Risk magazine provides news and analysis covering the financial industry, with a particular focus on financial risk management regulation, and the global derivatives markets. It includes papers on option pricing and hedging, market risk, credit risk, swaps and Monte Carlo methods. Articles include news, comment and mathematical papers on an aspect of derivatives risk and pricing. Risk has a tradition of covers featuring pieces of abstract modern art. It has been described as Incisive Media's "flagship financial management title".
It was founded by Peter Field in 1987. It was owned by Risk Waters Group, then was acquired by Incisive Media, the owners of Post Magazine, Waters (magazine) and Investment Week, Journalists include: Mauro Cesa, Fiona Maxwell, and Peter Madigan, with Duncan Wood as Editor. Energy Risk — a sister title that covers energy trading and risk management — was spun off in 1994.
Risk also runs industry specific events including the annual Risk awards. In 2003 Risk magazine launched Risk.net a financial risk management website which provides news updates as a digital subscription.
Absolution is the forgiveness experienced in traditional Christian churches in the sacrament of reconciliation (confession).
Absolution may also refer to:
The Absolution of the dead (or Absoute from the French) is a series of prayers for pardon and remission of sins that are said in some Christian churches (particularly the Catholic Church) over the body of a deceased believer before burial. The practice is found in the Eastern Orthodox Church as well as the Roman Catholic Church. Both churches use this practice to ask God not to have the deceased suffer for transgressions in life that they have repented or have been forgiven for.
In the Catholic Church the Absolute are said over a deceased Catholic following a Requiem Mass and before burial. The absolution of the dead does not forgive sins or confer the sacramental absolution of the Sacrament of Penance. Rather, it is a series of prayers to God that the person's soul will not have to suffer the temporal punishment in purgatory due for sins which were forgiven during the person's life.
The absolution of the dead is only performed in context of the Tridentine Mass. However, the absolution of the dead is absent from the funeral liturgy of the Pauline Mass.
Absolution is the third studio album by English alternative rock band Muse. It was released on 15 September 2003 in Japan, 22 September 2003 in the United Kingdom by East West Records and Taste Media and 23 March 2004 in the United States by Warner Bros. Records. The album followed up on Origin of Symmetry's diverse musical tendencies and elaborate sound, while also having a more focused and consistent theme and aesthetic throughout. Absolution has a noticeably darker and heavier tone musically, with a lyrical focus on the theological and apocalyptic concepts.
The album reached number one in the UK Albums Chart. It also yielded the band's first top 10 single hit, with "Time Is Running Out" peaking at number 8 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2009, it was voted by Kerrang! as the second-best album of the 21st century thus far. (Muse's previous album, Origin of Symmetry, and their subsequent release, Black Holes and Revelations, also appeared in the top fifty).
In April 2004, Muse frontman Matt Bellamy stated "I think the absolution is not necessarily a religious word: "It has meanings of purity (absolute), but it's not necessarily talking from a Christian or any particular religious point of view. I think it's just suggesting that the act of making music is a way of understanding things."