Rishi Reddi is an American author. She was born in Hyderabad, India and grew up in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Reddi is a graduate of Swarthmore College, where she studied English, and the Northeastern University School of Law. In 2001, she earned a master's degree in creative writing from Boston University. Alongside her writing career, she has been an enforcement attorney for the state and federal environmental protection agencies, as well as a lawyer for the Massachusetts Secretary of Environment.
Her book Karma and Other Stories received the 2008 L. L. Winship/PEN New England Award. Rishi Reddi’s work was chosen for Best American Short Stories 2005, featured on National Public Radio’s “Selected Shorts” program, and received an honorable mention for 2004 Pushcart Prize. She has been a Fellow at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and the recipient of an Individual Artist’s Grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
She serves on the board of directors of South Asian American Leaders of Tomorrow (www.saalt.org).
Richard belongs to Jayne
And Jayne belongs to yesterday
How can I go on
When every alpha particle hides a neon nucleus
Neil belongs to love
And love belongs to no man
How can he go on
When no one answers the adverts in his mind?
There will be parties, there will be fun
There will be prizes for everyone
And hey, hey, hey, here comes Richard
There will be ladies dressed in lace
I just want to see her face
When hey, hey, hey, here comes Richard
You helped me build this bed
But you won't help me sleep in it
When I fall between you and the wall
Our Titanic love affair sails on the morning tide
Our Titanic love affair sails on the morning tide
Our Titanic love affair sails on the morning tide
There will be parties, there will be fun
There will be prizes for everyone
And hey, hey, hey, here comes Richard
There will be ladies dressed in lace
I just want to see her face
When hey, hey, hey, here comes Richard
I really love your style
Did you read it in the 'Look and Learn?'
How long can we go on? Do you think I only love you
Because you sleep with other boys
There will be parties, there will be fun
There will be prizes for everyone
And hey, hey, hey, here comes Richard
There will be ladies dressed in lace
I just want to see her pretty face
When hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, here comes Richard
Hey, here comes Richard
Hey, here comes Richard