Ringnes is the largest brewer in Norway.
Ringnes AS was founded in 1876. The company's brewery in the Grünerløkka district of Oslo produced its first beer in 1877. The brewery was founded by brothers Amund and Ellef Ringnes (Amund was the brewer, Ellef the administrator and salesman) together with financial director Axel Heiberg. Amund Ringnes (1840–1907) and Ellef Ringnes (1842–1929), were both born and grew up on the historic Ringnes farm in Krødsherad.
Ringnes produces beer, soft drinks and mineral water. Ringnes has six production plants: Nittedal (main plant Gjelleråsen), Trondheim (EC Dahl's Brewery), Arendal (Arendals Brewery), Bodø (Nordland brewery), Larvik (Farris mineral water) and Imsdalen in Østerdalen (Imsdalfabrikken).
The company sponsored the polar expeditions of Fridtjof Nansen and Otto Sverdrup and funded the construction of the exploration vessel Fram. During his exploration of the high Canadian Arctic in 1900, Sverdrup named three large islands after his sponsors (Axel Heiberg Island, Amund Ringnes Island, and Ellef Ringnes Island). The Geiberg Islands (Гейберга Острова) in the Russian Arctic were named after Axel Heiberg, and Ostrov Ringnes (Остров Рингнес), the largest island of the Mona group in the Kara Sea, was named after the brewery.
(Don Santiago-Jimenez/Ned. tekst Jack Poels)
Ze waas donker achtien joar en neet te kriege
als ze vurbeej kwaam dreide alle kupkes mei
um oaver al die heite blikke mar te zwiege
ik docht 't is good ik ging nar eur toe en ik zei
refrein: De loes ta moetsjoe dwaile
die weilna sal kompas
del wassas talarero iekeres massimas
Ze keek meej aan of dat ze water haj zeen brande
mar niemand zaag hoe ik langzaam bezweek
want mier boetelands haj ik ni mier vurhande
dus nog mar ens terwijl ik nog wat spaanser keek
Nou heb ik op zich niks teage vremde tale
mar ik vond 't op zien minst 'n bitje erg
toen ze zei ge mot beloave neet te baale
mar ik bin Nel en ik koom oet Kroenenberg