In telephony, ringdown is a method of signaling an operator in which telephone ringing current is sent over the line to operate a lamp or cause the operation of a self-locking relay known as a drop.
Ringdown is used in manual operation, as distinguished from automatic signaling by dialing a number. The signal consists of a continuous or pulsed alternating current (AC) signal transmitted over the line. It may be used with or without a telephone switchboard. The term originated in magneto telephone signaling in which cranking the magneto generator, either integrated into the telephone set or housed in a connected ringer box, would not only ring its bell but also cause a drop to fall down at the telephone exchange switchboard, marked with the number of the line to which the magneto telephone instrument was connected.
The last ringdown telephone exchange in the United States was located at Bryant Pond, Maine, had 400+ subscribers, and converted to dial service in October 1983.
Once, not very long ago I was respected,
I was popular (popular).
But now I hang my head in shame.
My life is filled with such regret,
Of that mistake, I can't forget.
And now I'll never be the same!
Why did I buy this stupid ringtone!
I just can't imagine now what I was thinking at all (what was I thinking).
My friends all stare at me,
Whenever I get a call.
Well everybody (everybody),
Everybody (everybody),
Everybody in the world really hates my ringtone!
When my phone goes off at work,
I look like the biggest jerk.
Total strangers want to slap me around.
When it's ringing on the terrace,
My neighbors get embarrassed.
They're beggin' me to move out of town.
Well it made my wife so sick,
She smashed my iPhone with a brick.
But I had it fixed and now it's just fine.
It's a pain, I sure don't need it,
And I probably should delete it,
But for me that would be crossing the line.
'Cause I hate to waste a buck 99.
Hey! I paid good money for this Ringtone!
Why did I buy this stupid ringtone!
I just can't imagine now what I was thinking at all (really what was I
My friends all stare at me,
Whenever I get a call.
Well everybody (everybody),
Everybody (everybody),
Everybody in the world really hates my ringtone!
Chinese factory workers (they hate my ringtone),
Muslim women in Burqas (really hate my ringtone),
Starvin' kids in Angola (they hate my ringtone),
Even folks with Ebola (just hate my ringtone).
All the nuns and nannies (all the welfare mothers),
All the Pakistanis (all the Wayans brothers),
Everyone on the land, Everyone on the sea,
Every single person everywhere unanimously.
Everybody (everybody),
Everybody (everybody),
Everybody in the whole wide world really hates my