Rimal or Remal (Arabic: حي الرمال) (meaning "sands" in Arabic) is an area in Gaza City located 3 kilometers (1.9 mi) from the city center. Situated along the coastline, it has been considered the most prosperous neighborhood of Gaza. The main street that runs through Gaza, Omar Mukhtar Street runs northwest-southeast in the district and the main coastal road, Ahmad Orabi/Rasheed Street northeast-southwest. Rimal is currently divided into the city districts of Southern Rimal and Northern Rimal.
Rimal was built on the ancient port city of Gaza called Maioumas. The intense rivalry between Christian Gaza and Pagan Maioumas continued throughout the Byzantine era, even after the population of Maioumas had been converted to Christianity by Imperial decree and the Pagan sanctuaries destroyed by Porphyry of Gaza. The coastline of Gaza consisted mostly of sand dunes around the bustling Port of Gaza up until the mid-20th century. In the 1930s and 1940s, foreign missionary institutions financed the establishment of a residential neighborhood along the coast. This new district became known as Rimal ("Sand" or "Beach") and today covers most of Gaza City's coastline and much of the area between the coastline and the Old City. Most of the buildings were detached houses built in European style. After the neighborhood's construction, the center of commercial activity shifted from the Old City to Rimal.
(Sugar plum fairy)
I read the news today oh boy
about a lucky man who made the grade
and though the news was rather sad
well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
he hadn't noticed that the lights had changed to a shade of gray
A crowd of people stood and stared
they'd seen his face before
nobody was really sure if he was from the House Of Lords
I saw a film today oh boy
the US army had just dropped some peace on the Middle East
a crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
having read the book
I'd love to turn you on...
Woke up, got out of bed
wiped the blood off of my head
found my way upstairs and I did a shot
and looking up I noticed I was late
found my coat, grabbed my hat
I made the bus in seconds flat
I found my way upstairs and I did a snort
and somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I read the news today oh boy
three thousand holes at New York's ground zero
and though the holes were rather small
we had to count them all
now we know how many holes it takes to make the towers fall