Ricky may refer to:
Ricky is the solo debut album by actor and singer Ricky Nelson, released in November 1957. Much of the album is in the pop-rock genre, focusing mostly on standards. It has since been re-issued on iTunes.
Reception at the time of release is unknown. A recent review by Allmusic said that it is "derivative" but that "he also sang rhythmically in his smooth voice, negotiating the rock & roll beat with far greater ease than Pat Boone" and that "the 17-year-old continued to display the combination of natural pop instincts and genuine rock & roll feel that set him apart from the burgeoning pack of Elvis Presley imitators"
Ricky (born October 20, year unknown) is a Japanese musician originally from Saitama Prefecture. He is known as the vocalist of bands Dasein and R*A*P, and became the full-time vocalist of Rider Chips in 2005.
Ricky, who claims to have the full name Ricky Astrovich Primakov, also claims that he is an extraterrestrial, specifically one from the planet Iscandar, a planet from the Space Battleship Yamato metaseries. In 2009, he began a solo project with the release of "Yugaidoku Song" (唯我独SONG), and later in 2009 he released the album R☆POP. In 2010, Dasein, which went on hiatus in 2003, released a new single to announce a new tour that Ricky became a part of after his tour ended.
Durch blinde fenster
Sah ich die welt
Ich suchte träume
Und hab' mich gequält.
Die falschen freunde hab' ich viel zu spät erkannt
Ich brauchte dich dazu
Damit ich zu mir wieder fand.
Und ich bin nicht verloren
Denn jetzt hab' ich dich
Und in dunklen tagen
Kann ich dich fragen
Was sein wird.
Und ich bin nicht verloren
Ich hab' doch jetzt dich
Und was je gewesen
Hilfst du vergessen
Ich brauche dich.
Ich liebe dich
Ich leb' durch dich
Oh darlin'
Soviel geborgenheit
Und zärtlichkeit fand ich durch dich.
Die wilden stürme
Die sind vorbei
Heut' scheint die sonne
Ich bin wieder frei.
Ich stand am abgrund
Und ich wußte nicht wie sehr
Das ist vergangenheit
Für allezeit bleib ich bei dir.
Und ich bin nicht verloren ...
Ch so allein.
Und ich frag mich immer
Wo bist du ...