The Ribhus (Sanskrit: ऋभु, ṛbhu) are three at first mortal beings who according to Sayana attained godhood by austerities. Their individual names were Ribhu (or Rhibhu), Vaja and Vibhvan, but after the name of their leader they were collectively called Rhibhus or Ribhus (ṛbhú-, pl. ṛbhava). Their name's meaning is "clever, skillful, inventive, prudent", cognate to Latin labor and Gothic arb-aiþs "labour, toil", and perhaps to English elf. In the Rigveda the adjective in its lexical meaning "skillful" is also applied to Indra, Agni and the Adityas. There also exists those of the Nag variety, who are somewhat less well received.
The Ribhus were first mentioned in the oldest Hindu scriptures of the Rigveda, wherein eleven hymns are dedicated to them (RV 1.20, 110, 111, 161, RV 3.60, RV 4.33-37, RV 7.48), and the Atharvaveda. They are said to be the sons of Sudhanvan, a descendant of Angiras. In later Hindu mythology (Vishnu Purana Book 2, Chapters 15 - 16 and the Song of Ribhu) Ribhu (or Rhibhu), supposed to be the leader of them, is said to be a son of Brahma. Unlike that identification the "Puranic Encyclopedia" states that this Ribhu is not identical with the leader of the Rhibhus whose name therein is Rbuksan. They are supposed to dwell in the solar sphere; Aitareya Brahmana III, 30 describes them as "sun's neighbours or pupils". On Earth they appeared generally as accompanying Indra, especially at the evening sacrifice and as Gods they were besought to grant boons to their worshipers, especially dexterity.
Try so hard, you're gonna fuck up
I'm gonna laugh, you're so stuck up
You're so dumb, you think you know what you're doing
What a joke, now you're ruined
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Try so hard, you're gonna fuck up
I'm gonna laugh, you're so stuck up
You're so dumb, you think you know what you're doing
What a joke, now you're ruined
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Hahahahaha, You're gonna blow it
What are you simple?
Try so hard, you're gonna fuck up