Rheology (/riːˈɒlədʒi/; from Greek ῥέω rhéō, "flow" and -λoγία, -logia, "study of") is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in a liquid state, but also as 'soft solids' or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force. It applies to substances which have a complex microstructure, such as muds, sludges, suspensions, polymers and other glass formers (e.g., silicates), as well as many foods and additives, bodily fluids (e.g., blood) and other biological materials or other materials which belong to the class of soft matter.
Newtonian fluids can be characterized by a single coefficient of viscosity for a specific temperature. Although this viscosity will change with temperature, it does not change with the strain rate. Only a small group of fluids exhibit such constant viscosity. The large class of fluids whose viscosity changes with the strain rate (the relative flow velocity) are called non-Newtonian fluids.
Reloj, no marques las horas, porque voy a enloquecer
ella se ira para siempre, cuando amanezca otra vez.
No mas nos queda esta noche, para vivir nuestro amor
y tu tic-tac me recuerda, tu irremediable dolor.
Reloj, detén tu camino, porque mi vida se apaga
ella es la estrella que alumbra mi ser
yo sin su amor no soy nada.
Detén el tiempo en tus manos, has esta noche perpetua
para que nunca se vaya de mi, para que nunca amanezca.
Reloj, detén tu camino, porque mi vida se apaga…