The Firelands Symphony Chorale, under the direction of Michael Shirtz, will present an uplifting and reflective choral concert featuring Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem alongside a collection of moving contemporary works, according to a news release.
Puzzles. Challenge yourself with today’s puzzles. Crossword. Polygon. Sudoku. Throughout his long career Riccardo Muti has returned to Verdi’sRequiem as a kind of apocalyptic signature tune ... In his prime, Muti’s day of wrath was volcanic ... • Riccardo Muti..
RankinElementaryDemolition. WestAkron's Rankin School, built a century ago, closed in 2012. The city is demolishing the building this week, but hopes to save adornments ... Demolition began last week at the school on Storer Avenue in West Akron ... St.
Saturday, March 29 Frank La Rocca’s Requiem for the Forgotten... Frank La Rocca’s Requiem for the Forgotten is a powerful choral sanctuary built to protect the most vulnerable in society, especially those experiencing houselessness ... (St.