IMS-1 is an Earth observation satellite in a sun-synchronous orbit. The satellite which is the fourteenth satellite in the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite series has been built, launched and maintained by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). IMS-1 is the first satellite to use ISRO's Indian Mini Satellite bus.
It was launched by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - C9 on April 28, 2008 along with the Cartosat-2A and eight nano research satellites belonging to research facilities in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands.
The Intersil 6100 family consisted of a 12-bit microprocessor (the 6100) and a range of peripheral support and memory ICs developed by Intersil in the mid-1970s. The microprocessor recognised the PDP-8 instruction set. As such it was sometimes referred to as the CMOS-PDP8. Since it was also produced by Harris Corporation, it was also known as the Harris HM-6100. The Intersil 6100 was introduced in the second quarter of 1975, and the Harris version in 1976.
The 6100 family was produced using CMOS rather than the bipolar and NMOS technologies used by its contemporaries (Z80, 8080, 6502, 6800, 9900, etc.). As a result of its CMOS technology and low clock speeds (8 MHz max. for the Harris HM-6100A), it had relatively low power consumption (less than 100 mW at 10 V/2 MHz) and could be operated from a single supply over the wide range of 4–11 V. Thus, it could be used in high reliability embedded systems without the need for any significant thermal management, if the rest of the system was also CMOS.
Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted bi-directionally between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.
Non-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (a central server retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).
Paix is the fourth album, third recorded as Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes, by Catherine Ribeiro and Patrice Moullet. It was released in 1972, and marked a change in the musical direction of the band, evolving into a more progressive sound.
All lyrics by Catherine Ribeiro and music by Patrice Moullet.
PAIX, the Peering And Internet eXchange, is a neutral Internet exchange point operated by Equinix.
PAIX began operations in 1996 as Palo Alto Internet Exchange in Palo Alto, California, and was owned and operated by Digital Equipment Corporation, or DEC. In its early days, it used a DELNI as its interconnection infrastructure.
AboveNet acquired PAIX, and later sold it to Switch and Data around the time that AboveNet filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Equinix acquired PAIX from Switch and Data April 2010.
Switch and Data provides peering and Internet exchange points in Atlanta, Georgia; Dallas, Texas; Miami, Florida; New York City, New York; Palo Alto, California; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; San Jose, California; Seattle, Washington; and Vienna, Virginia; among other places.
J'dois marquer mon territoire,
On veut m'empêcher d'pisser
J'arrive sur toi plus vite que les ragots,
Mon argot sous un garot, derrière des barreaux
Les poils hérissés, négro j'vais foutre la merde
Et j'vais m'barrer: comme au lycée
Ici y'a qu'une marée et elle est noire foncée,
Que le hip-hop français repose en paix
Mesdames, messieurs, ici-bas pour représenter
On roule tous à 200, certains ont pété l'essieu
J'ai pas prêté mon style aux salopes,
Mon crew au top, équipé arch'
Et j'baise les garces avec un artop
Débranche, pé-sa en noir avec une faux
J'contourne les MC's à la craie blanche
Le résultat d'une blanche et d'un nègre,
Un coup d'hanche et c'est l'ravin,
Fais pas ton nid sur la branche d'un aigle
J't'ai montré l'Hexagone du doigt du shit sous un ongle,
J'suis la belle vie sous un autre angle
Faut pas t'inquiéter
Le monde est nôtre,
Un satellite pour défourailler l'bip
9.2 petit j'te l'répète faut pas t'inquiéter
Y'a qu'la moitié, attend!
Arrache-toi des baffes ou r'ssors de boîte en boitant
Toujours là, avec mes culs-d'jattes et mes Khros, BM
Merco, paraît qu'le métro ça a changé
Ca f'ra pas d'nous des héros
J'm'en bas les reins négro, j'ai les crocs,
J'ai faim du bled et de mon terrain
J'suis v'nu marquer mon temps malgré mon teint
Ni bluff, ni simagrées,
C'est bien des Noirs et des Maghrébins
C'était juste un puzzle de mots et d'pensées,
Que le hip-hop français repose en paix
Y veulent rivaliser, leur truc c'est nul
On est trop haut négro,
Eux y sont p'tits comme une cellule,
Pourtant j'suis qu'une petite vedette
Toujours anti-dèps, insolent, contre les agents, les médailles d'argent
On est v'nus cracher notre haine
Moi et ceux derrière
Ma première parole s'ra la dernière
Depuis mon arrivée, le string du move est trempé