Remseck am Neckar is a town in the district of Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated at the confluence of the rivers Rems and Neckar, about 12 km northeast of Stuttgart, and 7 km southeast of Ludwigsburg.
Five of the six boroughs of Remseck used to be villages and were founded several hundred years ago. References to Aldingen and Hochdorf can be found as early as 1100, Hochberg is mentioned in a text from 1231 whereas Neckargröningen is already referred to in 806. Neckarrems is also mentioned in 1268 as „Rems“; the „Neckar“ was added only in the 17th century.
Hochdorf, Hochberg and Neckarrems used to belong to Waiblingen, whereas Aldingen und Neckargröningen belonged to Ludwigsburg. In 1938 however, all five boroughs were assigned to Ludwigsburg.
Today’s Remseck am Neckar was founded on January 1, 1975 by amalgamation of the communities Aldingen, Hochberg, Hochdorf, Neckargröningen und Neckarrems and was initially named “Gemeinde Aldingen am Neckar”, but renamed on July 1, 1977. The town’s new name “Remseck” was chosen due to a castle, which used to be located on a mountain at the confluence of the rivers Rems and Neckar. The “Castle Remseck” was built in 1842 at exactly the same place, further verifying the name “Remseck”.