Registrar of Copyrights (India)
The Registrar of Copyrights is the head of Copyright Office under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and in-charge of implementation of Copyright Act. The appointment of the Registrar is done by the central government. The registrar of copyrights is also the secretary of the copyright board.
Copyright Office
Section 9 of the Copyright Act requires for establishment of an office to be called the Copyright Office for the purpose of the Act. The Copyright Office is to be under the immediate control of a Registrar of Copyrights to be appointed by the Central Government, who would act under the superintendence and directions of the Central Government.
The Copyright Office has been set up to provide registration facilities to all types of works and is headed by a Registrar of Copyrights and is located at 4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110 001. The applications for registration of works can be filled at the counter provided at the Copyright Office from 2.30 P.M. to 4.30. P.M. from Monday to Friday. The applications are also accepted by post. On-line registration through “E-filing facility “ has been provided from 8 September 2009, which facilitates the applicants to file applications at the time and place chosen by them.