Sire is a form of address for reigning kings in the United Kingdom and in Belgium. It has also been used in France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and Spain. Historically Sire had a wider usage. During the Middle Ages, Sire was generally used to address a superior, a person of importance or in a position of authority or the nobility in general. The word "sire" and the French "(mon)sieur" share a common etymologic origin, both ultimately being related to the Latin senior.
Sire may refer to:
In the Middle Ages, a childe or child [Old English Cild > "Young Lord"] was the son of a nobleman who had not yet attained knighthood, or had not yet won his spurs. As a rank in chivalry, it was used as a title, e.g. Child Horn in King Horn, as a male progressed through the positions of squire and then knight.
The term is now obsolete, but is still well known from poetry, such as Robert Browning's Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came and Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.
In the local dialect of North East Scotland known as Doric a Childe (pronounced cheeil) is the name used that may be directly translated as chap or fellow or man in English . For example a working childe was a working man or chap . A dour childe is dour fellow for example.
The term is used to apply to an expected next stage in human evolution in the Childe Cycle novels by Gordon R. Dickson.
Childe in Stephen King's The Dark Tower is, in Roland Deschain's own words, "...a term that describes a knight - or a gunslinger - on a quest. A formal term, and ancient. We never used it among ourselves...for it means holy, chosen by ka. We never liked to think of ourselves in such terms, and I haven't thought of myself so in many years." (p. 859, The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower, Pocket Books, 2006 ed.)
I know that you're wanted
but every little thing talks
take your pick and maybe they'll serve you, yeah
but you, you will put them down
talk, but never listen
so how you wanna play your game
try to step on me baby
oh, and I will, I will do the same
because you want to set the world on fire
little men, we'll never do
made you think i'd be a desire, oh darling
oh I, I see right through
Clouded skies have lifted
and voices ring out from the wire
if you'll say you never meant to hurt me, no
oh you would be a liar
Because you want to set the world on fire
and a little man will never do
made you think I'd be a desire, oh darling