Rd Mochtar
Hajji Raden Mochtar (born 1918), often credited as Rd Mochtar, was an Indonesian actor. Of noble descent, Mochtar was discovered by Albert Balink and first cast in the commercial failure Pareh (1936). Rising to popularity after the release of Terang Boelan the following year, he spent nearly sixty years in film, while also becoming a businessman and farmer.
Childhood and early career
Mochtar was born in Cianjur, West Java, in 1918. He was a Javanese of priyayi (noble) descent. He did his elementary school studies at a Taman Siswa school in Bandung.
In 1935 Mochtar was cast in the leading role of Mahmud in Albert Balink's film Pareh. Balink was out with coffee with Joshua and Othniel Wong and saw Mochtar, whom he considered tall, strong, and handsome, driving by. Balink and the Wongs chased Mochtar in their car and caught him. For the film Mochtar was told to use the title Raden, which he and his family had already abandoned. According to the Indonesian anthropologist Albertus Budi Susanto, the emphasis on Mochtar's title was meant as a way to draw a higher-class audience. The film, which cost 75,000 gulden to produce, was a commercial failure. However, it was financially beneficial for Mochtar, who was paid a monthly retainer of 250 gulden.