Ravindra Nanda (born 19 February 1943) is the professor and Head of Craniofacial Department and Chair of the Division of Orthodontics at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. He is the founding faculty of School of Dental Medicine and has been at the University of Connecticut since 1972 and holds a UConn Orthodontic Chair Alumni. He is an innovator of various appliances in orthodontics.
Dr. Nanda was born in Layallpur, British India. He is the youngest of seven children. His father, a family physician, practiced for 30 years there. He has two brothers, Dr. Ram Nanda and Dr. Surender Nanda, who are orthodontists in the United States of America. Dr. Nanda did his Post Graduation in Orthodontics under his elder brother Dr. Ram Nanda, who was the head of department of orthodontics of King George's Medical University.
Dr. Nanda received bachelor's and master's degrees in dentistry and orthodontics from King George's Medical College, Lucknow University. His thesis on cephalometric Study of the dentofacial complex of north Indians was selected for the scholarship research grant from Indian council Of medical research and was published in "Angle Orthodontist" in 1969 January issue. He joined University of Nymegen, Netherlands in 1967 and received his PHD in 1969. Dr. Nanda came over to the new dental school at Loyola in Chicago in 1970,after being a fellow and assistant professor in orthodontics with Frans van der Linden at Nijmegen. In 1972, he went to the new University, Department of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut in Farmington, CT. and received his certificate in orthodontics again, under Dr. Charles Burstone.
Nanda is an Indian surname, and a given. Nanda is a word used in Chinese pinyin.
Nanda (Kannada: ನಂದ) is Kannada movie released in 2009 with Dr. Shiva Rajkumar and Sandhya in lead role.
The music for the film and soundtracks were composed by V. Manohar. The album has five soundtracks.
Princess Sundari Nanda was the half-sister of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became Gautama Buddha. She became a nun after the enlightenment of her half-brother and became the foremost bhikkhuni in the practise of jhana (total meditative absorption). She lived during the 6th century BCE in what is now Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in India.
When she was born, Nanda was lovingly welcomed by her parents: Her father was King Suddhodarna, also the father of the Buddha; her mother was Mahaprajapati. Mahaprajapati was the second wife of Suddhodarna and the younger sister of his first wife, the late Queen Maya. Nanda's name means joy, contentment, pleasure, and was named as her parents were especially joyous about the arrival of a newborn baby. Nanda was known in her childhood for being extremely well-bred, graceful and beautiful. To disambiguate her from Sakyans by the same name, she was also known as "Rupa-Nanda," "one of delightful form," or sometimes "Sundari-Nanda," "beautiful Nanda." Over time, many members of her family, the family of the Sakyans of Kapilavastu, left the worldy life for the ascetic life, inspired by the enlightenment of their Crown Prince Siddhartha. Amongst them was her brother Nanda, and her cousins Anuruddha and Ananda, who were two of the Buddha’s five leading disciples. Her mother, was the first Buddhist nun, having asked the Buddha to allow women into the sangha. As a result of this, many other royal Sakyan ladies, including Princess Yasodharā, the wife of Siddhartha became Buddhist monastics. Thereupon, Nanda also renounced the world, but it was recorded that she did not do it out of confidence in the Buddha and the dharma, but out of blood love for her relatives and a feeling of belonging.