A ratite is any of a diverse group of large, flightless birds of the infraclass Palaeognathae. The systematics involved have been in flux. Some sources state that ratites include all the flightless birds of the Palaeognathae; previously, all these birds had been assigned to the order Struthioniformes, which is more recently regarded as containing only the ostrich. The modern bird superorder Palaeognathae consists of ratites and flighted Neotropic tinamous (compare to Neognathae). Unlike other flightless birds, the ratites have no keel on their sternum – hence the name from the Latin ratis (for raft). Without this to anchor their wing muscles, they could not fly even if they were to develop suitable wings. Recent research has indicated that ratites are a paraphyletic group; tinamous fall within them, and are the sister group of the extinct moa. This implies that flightlessness is a trait that evolved independently multiple times in different ratite lineages.
Most parts of the former supercontinent Gondwana have ratites, or did have until the fairly recent past.
Woke up naked in the park
No recollection of where I go after dark
But when the moon is full I change my form
Bringing chaos and terror, whipping up a storm
Hurling abuse at passers by
They freeze with fear by my very sight
I’m Dr. Jekyll, I’m Mr. Hyde
I wet myself like an infant child
I am The Howling
I am The Howling
I am The Howling
I’m fucking howling
Indiscriminate of friend and stranger
My frenzied rage brings hellish danger
They tried to curb my wretched soul
They locked me up, issued an ASBO
But I’m the monster that can’t be tamed
An untamed beast with no restraint
A booze-fuelled demon rising after dark
Who wakes up naked in Hyde Park
I am The Howling
I am The Howling
I am The Howling
I’m fucking howling
Caged for hours like a rabid dog empowered